Sunday, December 5, 2010

All I Really Want In Life


"I cry to you, O Lord; I say, "You are my refuge, You are all I really want in life." -- Psalm 142:5

When I read this verse, it really spoke to me. It says that no matter what happens in my life, I can go to God for anything. He will give me peace.

It is so encouraging to know the God will never leave me. He is all I really want in life. Even when others forget about me and turn away from me, God is my Rock and it will not be shaken.

"I look to the right and see, there is none who takes notice of me; no refuge remains to me; no one cares for my soul." -- Psalm 142: 4

This verse is written right before the first verse that I wrote. I like that there is such a contrast between the two. It is easy to look at others, and compare them to ourselves, thinking they are better than  us. We look up to them as if they can do no wrong. Or it can be the other way around in which every one looks up to you as if you can do nothing wrong.

 But then something happens. That person who you look up to so much whether it be your best friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, someone close to you, leaves you. Whether it be by death or disagreement. With them gone, you are left alone. Psalm 142:4

Or the other way around, you make a mistake and before you know it, those that looked up to you, now are turning away in lack of trust. With them gone, you are left alone. Psalm 142:4

That is when verse five steps in and you say, "Lord I cry to you and you are my peace in this broken world. You are all I really want  and need in life."

 When all else fails, God is there. His love is so strong that He will be by your side forever. "Never will I leave you nor forsake you." He says.

Sometimes I feel so unworthy to be loved by God. And when I read a chapter like Psalm 142 it really speaks to my heart. I hope you were encouraged just as much as I was.

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